About Taupe

Updated February 28th, 2023

Taupe is your toolkit to a better home. Owning a home is complicated, but we make it easy to find the best solution for your household needs by providing expert guides, unbiased reviews, and practical resources. Our mission is to save U.S. homeowners over 1 billion hours each year on the time and hassle it takes to research home maintenance and repair problems.

Our process is simple: we dig in and do the research for you. We listen to thousands of customer service calls, read the brand’s contracts and fine print, and try out the products and services. We’ve built a state-of-the-art studio in our office to test products and conduct our research, providing you with verified, unbiased, and honest recommendations. Why do we do this? So you have all the facts you need to make an informed decision.

Our Philosophy

We believe that your house is not just your home, but so much more. Here at Taupe Home, our goal is to help homeowners make the best decision possible for their home. We have a holistic approach to home ownership and home improvement. From our experience, we know that everyone and every home is different. What works for you might not be the right fit for someone else. We take all these factors into consideration when we offer any recommendations.

Our Experts

The Taupe Team have used their years of experience in the home ownership industry to give you the information, and advice that can make a difference. A home not managed properly can quickly turn into an expensive nightmare. The Taupe Team helps you avoid these potential pitfalls by sharing our knowledge and experience to give you a better understanding.

Our expert opinion is free to all readers. We may earn a passive commission when you click one of our links.

Editorial Guidelines and Quality Standards

Here at Taupe, we believe that our job is to provide you with as much relevant information as possible to ensure you make the best decision for you. Our advice is just that, advice. We are extremely proud of the work we put in to give you independent reviews & opinions. 

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