Wondering how to get rid of gnats for good? Here are 6 simple ways to take on DIY pest control to eliminate those pesky bugs from your home.
You walk into the kitchen to brew your morning coffee and find yourself welcomed by a horde of gnats in the kitchen, swarming the sink drain and circling the trash can. The bad news is that gnats are annoying. The good news is that they are easy to get rid of. You don’t have to call pest control.
There are several home remedies to kill gnats. But, first, it’s important to know what type of gnat you’re dealing with. In general, gnats don’t live long but they reproduce fast. On average they can live up to 50 days and female gnats have the potential to lay as many as 500 eggs during a lifespan. The best way to get rid of gnats is right in your kitchen cabinets.

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What type of gnat am I getting rid of?
Not all gnats are the same. It’s important to know which type you are targeting so that you choose the right remedy. Here are the 4 major types of gnats to look out for in your home:
Fruit flies are round in shape and are usually found in the kitchen around ripening fruit and trash.
Drain flies have moth-like wings and hang around drains where water collects.
Fungus flies are long with black legs and live in house plants.
Phorid flies have a humpback shape and are attracted to sewage and decaying things, such as dead rodents. Unlike other gnats, they tend to walk rather than fly when trying to escape.
All gnats are attracted to moist areas and sweet smells.
*While most gnats do not pose a threat to humans, phorid flies that nest in sewage, clogged drains, and decaying items are harmful to pets. If your pet has an open wound, the phorid flies can lay eggs in it. Best to get rid of these gnats right away.
Where do gnats come from?
Gnats are attracted to moisture and sweet smells. The different types of gnats will flock to different surfaces and items. Below are the places they flock to most:
Kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, and drains in bathtubs
Septic tanks
Soil that contains sewage
Garbage compactors/trash cans
Ripening fruit
Decaying animals
6 tips to get rid of gnats
1) Boiling water
This is the most natural of the DIY house gnat trap. Boiling water is also a good way to unclog drains. Pour about a gallon of boiling water down your drains 2 -3 times a day for about a week. Wait for a few hours after you pour the water down the drain before you use the sink again. The hot water will flush the waste from the drains. This method works well on drain flies.
2) Baking soda, salt, vinegar
This homemade remedy to get rid of gnats is tried and true. Combine a cup of baking soda, half cup of salt, and one cup of vinegar. Before you pour this mixture down the drain, pour a pot of boiling water and then follow with this mixture. Let the mixture sit for 4 -5 hours and then flush the drain again with boiling water. The combination of baking soda and vinegar expands, allowing it to catch more than the boiling water alone can do. This method works well on drain flies.
Here is a variation of this natural recipe:
Combine a half-cup of warm water, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, and a few drops of liquid dish soap. The sugar will attract the gnat and the soap, acting as an adhesive, will trap them. Another version of this is to pour a little bit of apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Cover the bowl with perforated plastic wrap. The gnats will fly directly into this sweet trap. This method works well on fruit flies.
3) Drain cleaner
This method is a step up from homemade remedies. The chemicals in some drain cleaners can be toxic, but drain cleaners will swiftly flush away the problem. Pour your desired brand down the drain and flush it down with warm water. Follow the directions on the bottle, of course. In most cases you will have to wait a few hours before using the sink again. Here are some suggestions for brands you can find at your local hardware store:
Drano: This is perhaps the most well-known of all drain cleaners. Drano often works, but is not the eco-friendly option.
Green Gobbler Fruit Fly Killer: This a well-known eco-friendly option if that’s what you are looking for.
Bio-Clean: Another eco-friendly option.
Choosing an eco-friendly brand is a legitimate option in this case. They break down organic materials and that’s all you really need in this case. You can likely forgo the drain cleaners with harsh chemicals because your goal here is to get rid of the gnats, not destroy everything hiding in your drain, unless you’re after phorid flies. This method works well on drain flies.
4) Chemical sprays
This may not be the home remedy for gnats you were hoping for, but it could be the ultimate way to get rid of those pesky creatures if nothing else seems to stick. If you were to check with your hardware store on how to get gnats out of your room, they'll most likely direct you to these brands. Hot tip: There are environmentally friendly chemical sprays out there.
The Hot Shot Kitchen Bug Killer: The upside of this brand is that it gets rid of gnats fast and can be used to kill other insects, including roaches, spiders, and ants. The downside is that it is aerosol and can feel harsh in the environment.
Zevo is an eco-friendly product and kills other insects. It’s not aerosol and has no odors.
Raid: This is a familiar insecticide often associated with killing ants. It will get rid of gnats too, but is not an eco-friendly option.
This method works well on all types of gnats.
5) An empty wine bottle
Like all of the tips on this list, once you get rid of the gnats, you’ll want to make sure they don’t return. Check below on how to keep gnats out for good. But, to eliminate gnats in the most effortless way just requires an empty wine bottle, which you may have lying around. An empty wine bottle is a great decoy for those flying pests, especially if you’re trying to get rid of them ASAP.
Just leave the bottle out overnight and the gnats won’t be able to resist flying into the trap. If you want to increase the power of this sweet trap, add a little dish soap. Gnats are attracted to sweet things and will stick to the dish soap. This works best if you don’t have other sweet things lying around to compete with the open wine bottle. This method works on fruit flies.
6) Soap and water
This method is specifically for fungus flies that are attracted to houseplants. Combine one tablespoon of unscented dish soap with water in a spray bottle. Spray the entire plant liberally, including the surface of the soil. Let the plant sit for two - three hours before wiping it down with water. Then, let the plant dry completely, waiting until about two layers of the soil feels dry before you water it again. This will make sure all larvae are killed. If the problem persists, repot the plant in new soil.

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Preventing and keeping gnats out for good
When thinking about how to keep gnats out of your house for good, consider the source. They are attracted to wet things, so you want to keep typically wet areas dry and fix all leaks. Here’s a list of ways to prevent a gnat infestation:
Regularly wipe down your sinks.
Store fruits in the refrigerator, especially during summer.
Cover all trash cans.
Adjust your watering of houseplants if gnats are an issue.
Empty the plant saucer after watering to prevent water build up.
Consider changing houseplant soil to a low-decay option.
Make sure your home appliances and septic system are in working order.
Always get rid of decaying rodents and make sure sewage doesn’t collect.
The surest way to prevent gnats is to remove the leaks that they love. A home warranty that covers your home systems and appliances can help shoulder the cost of repair, making sure you have a gnat-free, leak-free home. Protecting your home from gnats can save you from the annoyance of having to get rid of them later.